The weekend after the Zion's Canyon hike, it was unofficial gay day at Lagoon promoted by Q Salt Lake. The theme was to wear red shirts so everyone would know who the homos were. It was funny to see the straight guys that unwittingly wore red shirts too.
Chad Hall on the stairs to Colossus.
The day started at noon with us storing our coolers of food and libation in the reserved pavilion. Next came the rides. We knocked out most of the big ones early. The Bat, Colossus, Rocket (twice), Spider, and Wicked. We ate lunch and did a few more of the requisites like the Tidal Wave.
Chad and Brandon riding the gondola.
We stopped by the photo shoot scheduled for 6pm but there were only a handful of people there and we decided we didn't want to be in such a small picture so we played video games for a few minutes. Back to the pavilion to gather things and we set off for the patio at Try-Angles for one of the last beers-on-the-patio-Sunday of the summer.
Brandon, Chad H, Craig, Me, Pants, and JML123.